Dear Package: You were supposed to arrive today and now I am angry. Apparently paying extra for shipping means nothing. Grrrrrr.......
Dear Weather: You look fabulous this weekend minus the rain in tomorrows forecast. That can go away, it would be greatly appreciated. I have specific plans that DO NOT have rain included in them!
Dear BFF's: Get ready for some super-duper, awesome, and wild birthday fun tonight! It doesn't happen too often that we all manage to get together and I am so excited that even though this was last minute we were all able to do this! I love ya lovely ladies!
Dear Husband: Thank you for being so wonderful and spending special daddy/boys time TWICE this weekend. I appreciate it and I hope you had fun golfing this morning :)
Dear Apples: We are coming for you and you better be nice and crisp and juicy. We are going to savor every bite of anything we make with you. I can't wait!
Dear Color Run: Even though I will not be running you, get ready! 'Cuz there are 6 rockin' chicks coming your way and it is going to be epic.
Dear Fantasy Football Teams: Get it into gear. Seriously. This losing thing is getting old.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!